Saturday 5 April 2014


Over the last seven weeks we have been keeping up to date with any maintenance issues on the reserve, along with the team of 5 full time maintenance men who are employed here. With such valuable game/wildlife here in the reserve, it is essential that the entire boundary fence is patrolled on a regular basis and any damaged areas fixed immediately to prevent both animals and humans leaving or entering the reserve. Further, all the access roads around the reserve can be severely damaged with the strong storms which occur regularly here due to the high humidity. Such damage, caused by water erosion, can be largely prevented through creating run-offs to redirect the water flow off the roads, but some maintenance is always still needed. Below is a picture of part of the fence which was found by the game guards half down and with a large donga forming underneath. As this side of the fence backs on to community land, it was essential it was fixed straight away so that nobody could enter through the large gap. We spent the morning working hard to fix the fence, add additional wiring below ground level and used the old drums to direct the water flow and create extra support. Maintenance does seem like a never ending job, but it provides tremendous satisfaction when you are able to fix all the issues and keep the animals safe!

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